R&D Technical support
We offer technical support in mechanics, electronics, communications and IoT.
For example. we can make a preliminary design of components or devices, perform stress and deformation analysis with finite elements method (FEM), optimize the design, optimize it further with respect to manufacturing technology and make the detail drawings.
If you have problems finding a reliable producer, we can arrange small series production and perform quality control of delivered components.
Project management
You have a great project, achievable goals, lots of time, more than enough budget and wonderful team full of enthusiastic people?
Or, at least, that's what you thought before the project started. Now you have project behind schedule, lots of grumpy people around you telling you need two times more money than planned, or you can scrap the project.
Well, give us a call, let's have a cup of coffee, maybe the things are not so bad.
If we take the project, we deliver it on time, on budget.
Information security
No matter if you are an R&D company, a cloud services provider, marketing agency, bookkeeping service or online betting company, the security of your data and your clients data is of utmost importance. We can offer competitive services in this area - from initial screening of the company, gap analysis, consultation on business processes improvement, implementation of security checks, internal audits and guidance in the process of obtaining the ISO 27001 certificate.
R&D Financial Consulting
You have a "next big thing" idea, worth millions, but you cannot afford to invest a hundred dollars in it? Nor you have time to spend on its development? Just want to sell it to a highest bidder?
Good for you, but don't call us.
But if have an idea, for which you are ready to work hard, or to pay someone else to work hard, you have reasonably predicted the market for it and have at least 20% of the necessary funding - give us a call. Maybe we can help you to obtain the missing 80% and still retain 100% ownership.
We can help you find the right grant scheme, appropriately verbalize your idea, develop it to a Proof of concept stage, make a feasibility study or investment analysis, prepare grant applications, give you technical support and even manage the whole project or just a part of it - at your preference.